Call Us: (410) 861-0506

Member Benefits

Advertising and Promotional Opportunities — These include advertising in the monthly e-newsletter and in the printed member directory, your business listing plus news and event information on the SCBA website and social media channels.  

Sponsorship Opportunities — Reach the Carroll County community by sponsoring an event such as the Golf Tournament, Power Breakfasts, After-Hours, and monthly luncheons. 

Monthly Luncheons — Every third Wednesday of the month, we hold monthly meetings at noon at the Salerno's catering hall. These meetings are great networking opportunities and a wonderful place to learn about what is happening in our community. 

Networking Opportunities — Meet fellow SCBA members who can partner with you on different parts of your business at monthly luncheons, after-hours networking events, and other SCBA events. 

Member-2-Member Discounts — Take advantage of member-only offers from other SCBA members and provide a special offer — exclusive to SCBA members to assist with growing your business. 

Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Benefits — The SCBA is an Affiliate Member with our Chamber, allowing SCBA members to attend Chamber events and benefits. 

Committee Opportunities — Everyone is encouraged to join a committee and become involved in our various activities. Committees include: Golf, PR, Membership, Events, Marketing, Scholarship, and Government Relations. 

Join the SCBA today to receive your welcome packet which includes a member directory and a member window cling! 

For more information, please email us at

SCBA Sponsors

The SCBA would like to thank our

2025 Liberty Sponsor:


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South Carroll Business Association
P.O. Box 1401
Sykesville, MD 21784
P: (410) 861-0506

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